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Dulles Little League Ashburn, Virginia

League Eligibility

Who is eligible to play in Dulles League?

Dulles Little League offers baseball programs from Tee-ball through Little League Seniors for boys and girls.  Please determine your player's league age by using the chart further down this page.
All players of League Age 4 - 7 are eligible to play for DLL regardless of residence or school enrollment.**
Players of League Age 8 - 14 wanting to play with DLL must reside, or attend a school, within DLL's boundaries.
All Loudoun County players of League Age 15-18 are eligible to play on DLL's Seniors division if the league in which you reside does not offer a baseball program for players of that League Age.
**Please read  Little League's Regulation II Update which modifies boundary eligibility for its youngest players.

For all eligibility questions not covered above, please contact the DLL Player Agents before registering.

The Challenger division, which provides boys and girls in Loudoun County with disabilities the opportunity to experience the emotional development and fun of playing Little League Baseball, has different eligibility requirements. Contact Wendy Melcher for more information about DLL's Challenger program. Note: The Challenger division may not be offered in the fall.

Registration Fees

The following table specifies the approximate registration fees for each season.


Registration Dates

1st Player

Additional Players


Early Registration:
(Oct. 15 - Nov. 17)

Regular Registration:
(Nov. 18 - Dec. 31)

Late Registration:
(Waitlist Only)
(Jan 1 - mid-Jan)

Early Bird: $235 
                  $120 for Tee Ball

Regular:    $250 
                  $135 for Tee Ball

Late:         $300
                 $185 for Tee Ball



Regular Registration
(late May - early July)




Regular Registration
(mid-July - late August)

$125 for Tee Ball
$150 for IR & Rookie
$185 for all other divisions

$105 for Tee Ball
$130 for IR & Rookie
$165 for all other divisions

DLL has a policy to consider reducing or waiving the registration fee for participants who would be unable to play otherwise. Contact the DLL Board Members prior to registration to request a Financial Scholarship.

Registration and Payment:

Dulles Little League accepts only online registration and payment. You may register during open registration by visiting our website and clicking on the registration link. Our registration system accepts VISA, Mastercard and American Express credit cards.  If you are unable to use a credit card for payment, please contact the Registration Coordinator.  Once registered, you will receive an automated registration confirmation email. If you don't receive your email confirmation, check your spam and/or junk email folders.

League Age

What is the player's League Age?

Your player's league age is determined by the Little League Baseball Age Chart. The Age Determination Date for a Little League Baseball player is the actual age of a child on August 31 of the current Little League Year (the LL year is from September 1 - August 31). Your player's Little League Age will be used to assign them to a division based on our local league divisional structure.

Age chart for 2025:


DLL Boundaries

Parents are responsible for verifying that their player’s residence or school of attendance is within the DLL boundaries before registering, if necessary. The boundaries for adjacent leagues are based on best information available at the time of publication and approximation of county lines. Always verify your residence eligibility with the other league before registering with that league.

Here's how to determine whether your address is within DLL's boundaries:
  1. Click this link: Dulles Little League boundaries to view the DLL boundaries in a Google map.
  2. Click Search Maps (the magnifying glass) and enter your address (or your school's address) in the address bar.  Take note of the color for each district, DLL being the Red Zone.
  3. Click the Back button in your web browser to overlay the boundary maps with your address.

If you are in the RED zone, you are eligible to play in DLL. Contact the DLL Registration Coordinator with any questions BEFORE registering.

DLL will verify player eligibility at the end of the registration period for each season.

How do I prove my residency within DLL's boundaries?

Residence shall be established and supported by documents containing the full residence which includes parent(s) or guardian(s) name, street address, city, state and zip code information, dated or in force between February 1 of the previous year and February 1 of the current year, from one or more documents from EACH of the groups outlined below:




Driver’s License

Welfare/child care records

Voter registration

School records

Federal/State/Local records

Utility bills

Vehicle records

Support payment records

Financial records

Employment records

Homeowner/tenant records

Medical records

Insurance documents

Military records

Internet/Cable/TV records

For more information, visit Little League's Residency Requirements.

How do I prove my school attendance eligibility within DLL's boundaries?

Either the Little League School Enrollment Form or an official/certified school enrollment record dated prior to October 1 of the previous year can be used to establish school attendance for the current season.  A school issued report card or performance record is NOT accepted to prove school attendance.

Eligibility Documentation

How and when do my age, residency or school attendance eligibility documents need to be turned in?

Each family should submit the player’s birth certificate, and residency or school attendance eligibility documents by one of the following ways, in order of preference. 

1.  Upload the documents to your My Account page on our website.  There will be a link under each player's name where you can do this.
2.  Scan and email your documents, with your player's name clearly written on top, to: [email protected]
3.  Bring paper copies of your documents to DLL’s Player Evaluation (PE) session in January. Note that documents brought to a PE session will NOT be reviewed or     validated during the PE session, only collected for review at a later time.
4.  Mail copies of your documents, with your player's name clearly written on top, to: DLL, PO Box 946, Ashburn, VA 20146

For any spring season, all required documents must be received by DLL no later than Feb 10 prior to that season.

For any fall season, all required documents must be received by DLL no later than August 25 prior to that season. 

ALL players are required to submit this documentation to the league before participating in practices or games.  If you submitted your player's birth certificate in a prior season, it does not need to be submitted again.

Why can’t I just show my documentation to someone to prove my player’s eligibility and residency/school attendance?

For a league of the size of DLL, it isn’t feasible to validate the documents on-the-fly. Having a small number of Board member volunteers validate and file the documentation for all new  players is a time-consuming task that is best completed in the “off-season”. Furthermore, players who participate in All-Stars are also required to submit this documentation. Collecting and verifying this documentation in the offseason allows DLL to comply with the Little League International regulation, and removes the documentation burden on participants to the offseason.

Who will have access to the birth certificates, proof of residency documentation, and school enrollment forms?

A small number of DLL Board members who have completed a background check.

I previously submitted all the documentation for my player, why haven’t I heard back from anyone?

Due to the large volume and varying formats of documents, it will take several weeks to validate all the documents that have been received. That activity will be taking place while league volunteers are also preparing for the upcoming season by conducting player evaluations, player drafts, preseason meetings and training for DLL managers, and while they complete all other player-to-team assignments. A DLL representative will contact you if we require additional documentation. If you are not sure if you've submitted all the required documentation, please resubmit!

Where/how will my documentation be stored?

Paper documents will be stored in a secure location while electronic documents will be stored on a drive.

How long will DLL keep my documents?

Birth certificates will be kept on file until a player is no longer eligible to play in DLL. Once a player becomes ineligible for any reason, those documents will be shredded and/or deleted. The revised Little League regulation requires participating players to submit proof of residency documents prior to the start of each season.

Refund Policy

In an effort to help stabilize team rosters, control disruptions (caused by ineligible player registrations, player drops and withdrawals), and to account for payment processing fees, DLL has adopted the following refund policy. This refund policy applies to each player regardless of the reason for the player drop or withdrawal, and includes players who register with DLL but are later found to be ineligible due to League Age and/or because they reside outside of our boundaries.

Fall Season

  • Drop, withdraw, or be found ineligible to play in DLL on or before the close of the regular, on-time registration date: Refund is amount paid minus $25.
  • Drop, withdraw, or be found ineligible to play in DLL on or after the close of Fall registration date: No refund.

Spring Season

  • Drop, withdraw, or be found ineligible to play in DLL before the first day of Player Evaluations: Refund is amount paid minus $50.
  • Drop, withdraw, or be found ineligible to play in DLL on or after the first day of Player Evaluations but before the first draft date: Refund is amount paid minus $75.
  • Drop, withdraw, or be found ineligible to play in DLL on or after the first draft date: No refund.
All refund requests must be sent to the DLL Registration Coordinator. Refunds will be credited back to the credit card used for player registration. All refunds will be processed once registration closes for the current season. 

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