Please download and complete the LL Medical Release and LCPS Concussion Guidelines above, including DATES and any parent signatures. These documents are required to participate in Dulles Little League each season. Upload the completed copies using this Medical Release & Concussion Guidelines Submission Form AND give the paper copies to your Team Manager at the first practice. This form will also accept a copy of players' birth certificates, if requested and/or you have not submitted in previous years.
Before you begin uploading, please scan documents as a pdf file, and label each with your player's name, document type and year.
(Similar to: JohnSmith_Medical2025.pdf, JohnSmith_Concussion2025.pdf, JohnSmith_BirthCertificate.pdf). You will also need to know your player's division and team name.
If you have any questions, email [email protected].
DLL will delete all digital copies and collect paper copies from managers for disposal at the end of the season.
**Need help scanning a document into a pdf? Click one of the links below.**
How to scan documents on your iPhone or iPad
How to scan documents on an Android phone using your camera